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Sports Afternoon 2024

Year 6 London Visit

Welcome to the gallery! Please enjoy browsing the children’s work, experiences and achievements.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2024

Chinese New Year

KS2 Science

Visit to the Hindu Temple March 2016

We visited the National Media Museum in Bradford

Chinese students visit the school

Community Celebration for Queen's 90th Birthday

Harvest Festival with pupils from St Luke's School, Bury

Remembrance Day 2016

Nativity 2016

Christmas Art

Epiphany walk of the Kings and marking of the doors.

World Book Day 2017

Ash Wednesday 2017

Rewind to Easter 2017

Godly Play

Netball and Swimming Medal Winners

Comic Relief

Crucial Crew

Easter Activities at Bethel Chapel

Pupil led collective worship - acting out the Easter Story

Year 5 visit to the Star Centre

Bluebell Walk 2017

ICT Robot Session

2017 General Election

Link with Jinja Educational Trust

Visit to our link school of St Luke's Bury

Grizedale Forest

School Sleepover
