If you buy goods and services on the internet you can raise funds for Austwick School without it costing you anything. Simply log on to www.easyfundraising.org.uk and once you have reached the website click on 'support a good cause' which appears near the top of the page. On the form that pops up type Austwick CE (VA) Primary School. The website will direct you to an app which you can use on a tablet or phone, or you can use the main website on your computer. When you want to buy some thing from a range of outlets such as Amazon, M&S, Virgin Trains, various hotel booking sites etc., log on to easy funding first and then follow the directions to the retailer or service. Everything you buy through the easy funding website adds a donation to the school at no cost to you.
It is quite amazing! The donations really add up and all contributions will be used to the direct benefit of the children.